Our Experience is your Advantage
With over 30 years of handling Social Security claims in Missouri and Illinois, we bring all that experience to your claim. We have successfully represented thousands of clients who are now receiving the Social Security Disability benefits they deserve. If you are injured and can't work, or have been denied previous applications for disability, we may be able to help. Don't take on the process alone. Don't wait for your first denial before contacting us. Let us help you today, regardless of where you are in the process. Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income are the two programs through which the government pays disability benefits. These benefits may be paid if you have a medical situation that is expected to last at least one year. There are other programs available if you have a partial or a short-term disability. We want to be the attorney to represent you if you have a severe physcial or mental condition that prevents you from working. Our purpose is to guide you throughout the entire process. We'll assist you in filing your initial application. Should your claim be denied, we will work hard to file your appeals. Gathering the proper medical evidence for your hearing will prepare you for questions the judge and other attorneys are likely to ask. We believe that your claim is important and doing our best to help you get the financial and medical benefits you deserve is the #1 priority for all the attorneys at Kassin & Carrow.As your attorney, you can expect us to:
- Give you an evaluation and explanation of your claim
- Gather medical and/or other evidence
- Retrieve necessary documents from your Social Security Disability file
- Ask that prior application for benefits be reopened
- Work with your doctor to prepare a report that complies with Social Security rules
- Prepare you (if needed) to testify at hearing
- Present opening and/or closing statements at the hearing
- Request timely appeals -and to the proper levels of appeal
- Seek a waiver of time limit
- If approved, make sure you receive the correct amount of benefits